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Woman, You Are Not The Father


Although raising children can be easier when both parents are present, there are times when women raise their children alone. Therefore, many women are considered the glue that binds their families and often wears many hats. Women you are awesome, but please stop calling yourself the mother and father.

You are a woman, mother, queen mother, hero mother, single parent, the matriarch of the family and I can go on and on with wonderful descriptions of you, but I cannot give you the title of Father. It is not yours to have. You are not a man, you have no sperm, and you have no x or y chromosome to determine the sex of your children. You simply were not created to be, nor will you ever be a man.

So again, I ask you to stop calling yourself father. Calling yourself the father creates a mindset that there is no loss of a male figure for your children. But this is not true and children suffer when there is no father figure in the home. A good man loves his daughter, and she will set the standard of receiving love from a man by his example. A good man loves his son and teaches him how to establish himself in manhood. Therefore, wisely choose whom seed you carry because they will be a role model for your children.

But if there is no father around, a woman can not cover this position to its full capacity and should seek assistance. If possible, begin with suitable male family members. But there are other options like church members, mentorship, the boys and girls club, or maybe a teacher. This will not be an easy task but if there are options please try.

This is not an insult to women, but it is time to stop disrespecting men and their place in the family structure. Men are needed. Some great men are fulfilling their roles as the father. But when a man falls short of being a father to his children, woman, you are not the father.


Categories: L L McAdoo Life Moment

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2 replies

  1. This is the whole truth. I hate to hear women say I’ve been mother and father. I even had to correct my mother after I got older and started preaching and tell her that she has never been nor will she be a father. Women don’t have the male fortitude that a man has so she can’t deposit in children what a man can for survival. She can’t even live kids the same way a man can. I’m a man and my mother has been a single parent my whole life and I’m missing some things in me because of the absence of a father. I made some bad decisions because I didn’t have a man to guide those decisions or to teach me about certain things in life. I’m glad I am in my sons life and can give him Godly advice.

    1. Thanks for your support. I thank God for the correct words to handle this delicate topic. But we need truth, and discussions challenge us to rethink our mindsets.


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