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Do Not Allow Hate to Stop You from Loving


Matthew 5: 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  (The New International Version. Bible Gateway,, Accessed October 27, 2021).



What do you do when someone you believe is your enemy and a persecutor asks for your assistance? I had this situation happen and I helped them. A few days later I began to struggle with my thoughts and had what I thought was a nightmare. The dream was so vivid that when I awake it appeared to have been a reality. I dreamed that I was asleep and heard my shower. I live alone and was about to panic, but in the dream, I lay in the bed debating what to do. The Holy Spirit informed me it was a trick of the enemy, I sat up and proclaimed aloud that I was not afraid. I then went into my bathroom to find the curtain in disarray and the water on. I turned off the water and continued to proclaim that I was not afraid and walked through the upstairs of my home. I went into another bedroom to find the window open and the curtain dangling outside the window. Still proclaiming no fear, I looked out the window, pulled in the curtain, and closed the window. At this point, I woke up.

I do not interpret dreams, but I do listen to the spirit that guides me from within. I believe the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the person I helped sent evil through an ill will. Although I helped them from a kind heart, they continued to desire failure and lack for me. The evil spirit of confusion and fear that has taken them over was trying to enter me.

I did pray before helping the person, but what I did not do was to continue to pray after I helped them. I dropped the ball and did not protect myself from a spiritual attack that was launched from a heart of jealousy. Evil is evil and even though I was doing them a favor, the evil in their heart was still loosed against me. So, I prayed, anointed myself, home, and opened the front door of my home to release the enemy. I then warred in the spirit, I asked the angels of protection to guard me and my property, I asked the Holy Spirit to blow a fresh wind through my house to make sure there is no place for evil to lurk and I continued to pray until there was peace.

Instantly I began to feel like myself again. Some may not believe in what I have shared with you, but some understand clearly. The Bible teaches us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, stand blameless in persecution, but it never tells us to trust an enemy. The Bible teaches us to trust in God. I thank God for the dream because the dream led me to what I needed which was to reset the atmosphere of my home and war against an attack.



Most gracious Heavenly Father, I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within me. It comforts, teaches, strengthens, protects, and loves me as no human can. Again, I have trusted the Holy Spirit for guidance and again I am protected from wickedness and the powers of darkness. Thank you for reminding me that the heart of man is evil and can not be trusted. Reminding me that I must watch and always pray because there is an advisory waiting to catch me off guard and without your protection and guidance will overtake me. Also reminding me to not allow hate to stop me from loving. Yet trials and tribulations come, I know the Shepherd will lead me through it all and I am grateful. Please continue to love, guide, and protect me all the days of my life and I will declare your marvelous works and be a living testimony of your goodness.


In Jesus name,





















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