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Failure Is Part of the Journey

In the sanctification stage of my quest for eternity, I have failed. Sanctification is a function of the Holy Spirit, but that does not leave me void of obligation. I have an obligation to not willingly be distracted by sin. I am to cast down vain imaginations, resist temptations, and run to the Holy Spirit with all issues, short comings, and pitfalls designed to derail my progress.

My problem is not that I fail. Failure is part of the journey, but I struggle with laboring in the realm of defeat too long. Although aware that distractions, temptations, and failure is a trick of the enemy. I repeatedly delay moving forward by laboring in regret and grief. I should be sorrowful, but not to the point of delayed repentance.

Receiving the gift of Salvation was the start of my journey. Sanctification is the process of becoming Christlike and preparation of living in the spirit by following the Holy Spirit. I need to shift my focus to walking in grace, and when I fail recovering quickly. I have a motto, “Mess up, Fess Up, Get up and Press on!”

Mess Up– Failure is part of the journey and it is prideful and untrue to think or protest that I will not fail. The key is to not expend great amounts of energy or time hiding, denying, or falsifying the failure. This is the time to deny my flesh and the desire of self- preservation. Fight the desire to have a pity party and woe is me thoughts. At this point it does not matter if I walked into sin or was tricked; what matters is that I assume responsibility for sin.

Fess Up– Confess my sin to the Holy Spirit. Yes, I know the Bible says to confess your sins to one another. I will consult with a trusted friend and/or accountability partner later, but first I need recovery.  A conversation is needed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is with me always and know exactly what happened. But I must tell the Holy Spirit what happened and ask for guidance. This gives the Holy Spirit permission to show me the failure from a spiritual view, teach me a method of escape when the encounter returns, and set me back on track for eternity. My natural eyes cannot always see the enemy coming, but the Holy Spirit does and will warn me.

Get Up– Repent for my actions and express my earnest desire to be in the presence, protection, and provision of God. Petitioning Jesus for continued intercession on my behalf.  Asking the Holy Spirit to cleanse me from the stain of the offense. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and the method provided. And once restored, leave the guilt, the memory of the offense, and anything associated with it behind.

Press On– Moving on with my quest for eternity. There is continual spiritual growth, lessons to learn, and earthly life to experience. I must walk in grace, pursue my destiny, and complete my journey.

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