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One day while scanning through a social media site, I saw one of those tap here and see three things you will receive next year. I liked the results advertised and decided to give it a try. I anxiously tapped the button. I received a “hold on your results are coming” message. And viola three things that I will receive next year appeared. I am not a gambler and my results solidified that luck is not my thing, and I should abide in grace. My results were: I was receiving money (yeah), marriage (already married), and a baby (the devil is a liar). As I began to explain to the device, that I am married, and polygamy is illegal in the US.  I also mentioned that I am over half of a hundred years of age; and although a child is possible, it would be a great inconvenience. But on the bright side I would gladly take the money and run. Knowing the device had no answer, I gazed at it and caught a glimpse of a button that I have obviously ignored in the past. The button read TRY AGAIN. You mean I can hit this button and try again (I continued to converse with the unresponsive device). So, I hit it and voila; I received more results. Unhappy with several results, I continued to TRY AGAIN until I had an acceptable result. Laughing I posted the results for everyone to see the wonderful things I would receive next year. Although quite entertaining, I knew these results were highly unlikely to occur, therefore expecting no change to my life in the year to come.

But I began to think that I have a spiritual TRY AGAIN. Every day that I am blessed to open my eyes, there is an opportunity for my life to change. Not only to change but change for the better. It is not as easy as the TRY AGAIN button on social media, because there is no device to instruct me to hold on for results, and viola I have a result. The changes I am speaking of are real, therefore requires obedience, patients, and struggle. I am not naive enough to think that I can change myself. If I could change myself, I would have completed the task years ago. Daily I wake up with the intent to be better and do better. Good intentions have often failed me in making any real changes in my life.  But the Holy Spirit can.

Romans 8:1-4

 Escape from Bondage

8 Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do [that is, overcome sin and remove its penalty, its power] being weakened by the flesh [man’s nature without the Holy Spirit], God did: He sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful man as an offering for sin. And He condemned sin in the flesh [subdued it and overcame it in the person of His own Son], so that the [righteous and just] requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us who do not live our lives in the ways of the flesh [guided by worldliness and our sinful nature], but [live our lives] in the ways of the Spirit [guided by His power]. (The Amplified Version. Bible Gateway, Accessed 24 March 2021).


When I yield my mind, will, and emotions to the capable hands of the Holy Spirit change occurs. Before I fall asleep, I consult with the Holy Spirit about the day. I am reminded about the things that need repentance. Evaluated for the behaviors displayed, instructed how to change some responses, and encouraged to keep up the good work in the areas that show improvements. Motivated by the Holy Spirit to stay vigilant, because I may not see instant changes but need to endure the process. Because I sometimes forget that changes in the world are outside-in, but changes in the kingdom are inside-out.

When I awake, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me throughout the day. I am grateful and often surprised by the results. As I obey the urge to take an alternate route to work discovering that I missed a major traffic jam. Realize the early wake up to prayer for peace would be needed because we would have a troubling meeting with Management. An impromptu call to my child reminded her to not forget an item needed for school.  An internal nudge to gain my composure because someone is taunting me for an adverse reaction. Reminded that the enemy is not the taunting person but the devil; and not to ball my fist to fight but slay the devil with the word of God. I could go on for days.

But the point I am trying to make, is that those of us in Christ are blessed to TRY AGAIN. The penalty for sin and death have been paid with the blood of the sacrificial lamb (Jesus). Allowing us daily opportunities to change. We must fight our fleshly temptations, yield to the Holy Spirit, and learn to walk in the Spirit. This requires obedience, patience, and struggle. Obedience to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. Patience to stay on course and not give up especially in times of temptation and testing. Finally, endure the struggle because the devil is relentless. He is not going to stop with the distractions, traps, and pitfalls. But with robust resistance the devil will flee. And because we continue to TRY AGAIN, we shall receive change in the coming year and years to come.

Most gracious Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your son Jesus, who paid the penalty for sin so that we can have a relationship with you. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that dwells within allowing living waters to spring forth out of us. Holy Spirit teach us how to be holy. We desire holiness and the favor of God which is a result of holy living. Guide us, mold us, prune us, and deliver us from all evil.  We thank you Lord and Savior for allowing us to TRY AGAIN. And we will praise your name, tell others of your grace, and direct others to you as the source of our very being. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Categories: L L McAdoo Life Moment

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